The host of our TECHNIDATA website allowing you to access your customer space is currently out of service.  We are making every effort to restore this service as soon as possible. During this time, you will not have access to your customer space.

If you need to report a non-P1 incident, you can email us at the following temporary address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with at least the name of the site, the product concerned, the contact (phone and email) and the nature of the incident you wish to report.

Important: the procedure for P1 calls remains unchanged.

Rest assured that all TECHNIDATA teams are mobilized to restore the operation of our web interface.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.





L’hébergeur de notre site Web TECHNIDATA vous permettant d’avoir accès à votre espace client est actuellement hors service.  Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour restaurer ce service dans les meilleurs délais. Pendant cette période vous n’aurez pas accès à votre interface client.

Cependant si vous devez nous signaler un incident hors P1, vous pouvez nous envoyer un mail à l’adresse temporaire suivante This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. avec au minimum le nom du site, le produit concerné, le contact (téléphonique et email) et la nature de l’incident que vous souhaitez déclarer.

Important : la procédure pour les appels P1 reste inchangée.

Soyez assuré que l’ensemble des équipes TECHNIDATA est mobilisé pour rétablir le fonctionnement de notre interface web.

Veuillez nous excuser pour le désagrément occasionné, merci de votre compréhension.


Equipe support TECHNIDATA

at the upcoming exhibitions and events

July 2024 – ADLM


ADLM : ADLM 2024 (

TECHNIDATA will take part in the ADLM conference from 28th July to 1st August 2024 in Chicago.


October 2024 – SIGU


SIGU : SIGU – Società Italiana di Genetica Umana

Meet the TECHNIDATA team at the SIGU congress from 2nd to 4th October 2024, in Padua, Italy.


October 2024 – BCSL


BCSLS Technology : Congress 2024 Overview — bcsls

Our team will be attending the BCSLS congress from 3rd to 5th October in Victoria, BC.


November 2024 – ASHG


ASHG : 2024 Annual Meeting - ASHG

See you from 5th to 9th November 2024 for the ASHG annual meeting in Denver, CO.



November 2024 – Health informatics conference


Health informatics conference : Événements – Le Point en santé et services sociaux (

Meet the TECHNIDATA team at the 8th edition of the Health informatics conference on 14th November 2024 at the Quebec city convention centre.



November 2024 – Carrefour Pathology


Carrefour pathology 2024 : Carrefour Pathologie - Société Française de Pathologie (

TECHNIDATA will take part in the Carrefour Pathology congress from 20th to 22nd November 2024 in Paris.



See all events ...

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Press Release

September 28th, 2023

TECHNIDATA, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, has just obtained ISO 27001 certification, attesting to its strong commitment to guaranteeing the IT security of its software solutions for medical laboratories.
Read the press release...

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